Subhash Amanaganti
Beneficiary is a 2nd year B.E (ECE) student studying in a private college located in Coimbatore. He hails from a small village near Dharapuram, Trippur.
His father passed away when he was 3years old and under the care of his uncle. His uncle is an industry worker and earning a very low salary.
He scored 490/500 in 10th standard and his HSc was sponsored by the school where he studied. His 1st year fees was paid by friends and relatives. The total college fees for 2nd year is Rs.111200 and he was able to get education loan for Rs.79,220. This student was referred to us by one of our supporter.
Amount DetailsRaised - 31980.00
Remaining - 0
Subhash Amanaganti
Jerry Luke
saranya D
All the best for ur bright future.
all the best!!
Shakthi Priya A
Happy Learning!
Tamil Selvi
All the best
Mohanaraman Namasivayam
Do your part with full satisfaction rest leave it
Pradeepa Jayakumar
Secret for success is hard work, dedication and de
Do your Best
Vinaykamurthy Arumugam / Kannan Vinayakamurthy
Please do good in studies
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.